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Walter – Hired and working with Blue Tongue as a Heavy Duty Mechanic
Meet Walter, one of Blue Tongue’s skilled HD Mechanics. Inspired by Australia’s mining industry and his dream of living abroad, Walter moved from Peru to Australia in 2022, bri...

Bernard – Hired and working with Blue Tongue as a Heavy Diesel Mechanic
Meet Bernard, who came all the way from Ghana to join our international talent team. With many years of experience as a highly respected HD Mechanic in the mining industry, Bernard...

Bianca – Upskilling with Blue Tongue to become a Heavy Diesel Mechanic
Bianca dreams big – transitioning from nursing to a heavy diesel mechanic apprentice at Blue Tongue, she loves the hands-on work and enjoys the FIFO lifestyle. Growing up with a ...

Daniel – Upskilled with Blue Tongue to become a Heavy Diesel Mechanic
Sometimes, it's not easy for mature-aged apprentices to find their path, but at Blue Tongue, we believe in giving the right people an opportunity to upskill. Daniel's journey is pr...

Charles – Hired and working with Blue Tongue as a Bus Operator at Go West Tours
Settled into his new role, FIFO lifestyle and working with a very friendly team, Charles found himself enjoying the experience. His initial worries about the long shifts and remote...

Greg – Hired and working with Blue Tongue as Heavy Diesel Mechanic at MACA
With 18 years’ experience working as an HD Mechanic in Zambia’s mining industry, Greg knows his way around every kind of heavyduty machinery. His expertise and knowledge...

Lachlan – Upskilling with Blue Tongue to become a Heavy Duty Mechanic
Sydney based mechanic Lachlan was bored of working on cars, doing the same things over and over. But there weren’t many opportunities to upskill his career to become an HD Mechan...

Egranty – Former Blue Tongue Heavy Diesel Mechanic
Heavy duty mechanics with more than ten years’ experience are rare diamonds in Australia’s mining industry....

Dean – Upskilled with Blue Tongue to become a Heavy Duty Mechanic
When Brisbane LV mechanic Dean packed his bags and moved to WA to become an HD mechanic through Blue Tongue’s Trade-Upgrade Program......

Frank – Hired and working with Blue Tongue as Heavy Duty Mechanic
When it comes to big machinery, Frank knows his stuff. For eight years he worked as a Heavy Duty Mechanic in his native country Peru, diagnosing, servicing and testing cranes, grad...

Stephen – Upskilling with Blue Tongue to become a Heavy Duty Mechanic
Mechanic Steve had been contemplating a career in the mining industry, where he knew the bucks, machinery and opportunities were far...

Joseph – Hired and working with Blue Tongue as Heavy Diesel Mechanic at MACA
After onboarding through Blue Tongue’s International Talent Program, Joseph has felt warmly welcomed to Australia. “It’s nice being here!” Joseph said...

Darlington – Hired and working with Blue Tongue as Heavy Diesel Mechanic at WesTrac
After enjoying a smooth hiring process with Blue Tongue, Darlington has made a firm commitment to his new mining career in Australia...

Dexter – Upskilled with Blue Tongue to become a Heavy Diesel Mechanic
Dexter enjoys the FIFO lifestyle, part of his new Heavy Diesel apprenticeship with Blue Tongue and Emeco. “The reason I took on the Trade-Upgrade Program...

Brad – Upskilled with Blue Tongue to become a Diesel Mechanic
Brad is proof that hard work and persistence pay off and is now thriving in his new Heavy Diesel apprenticeship with Blue Tongue...

Arryon – Upskilled and now working for Blue Tongue as a Heavy Duty Mechanic at Go West
Arryon has thrown himself into the challenge and couldn’t be happier in his Heavy Duty apprenticeship...

Jake – Upskilled with Blue Tongue to become a Heavy Mobile Plant Technician
Four months into his Heavy-Duty (HD) Mechanical apprenticeship with Blue Tongue and MACA Mining, Jake is loving life...

Hayden – Upskilled and successfully working as a Heavy Mobile Plant Technician at NRW Mining & Civil
Before I started the trade upgrade I was a light vehicle mechanic in a performance workshop, so sort of performing in all roles dealing...

Joshua – Upskilled and successfully working as a Heavy Mobile Plant Technician at Komatsu Mining Corp
A career in HD maintenance is what I wanted to do originally, but it was too hard for me to get into at the time when I was looking...

Jenaro – Upskilled and now working for Blue Tongue as a Heavy Mobile Plant Technician at NRW Mining & Civil
I was working for a Nissan dealer for the last eight years. I did my apprenticeship there, qualified and stuck around. I’m in Perth for now but once...

Michael – Upskilled and successfully working as a Heavy Mobile Plant Technician at Komatsu Mining Corp
My plan for the future is to keep working with the big stuff and never go back to cars!......

Rudy – Upskilled and now working for Blue Tongue as a Heavy Mobile Plant Technician at NRW Mining & Civil
I always wanted to work in mining, so when I saw the opportunity I took it. It’s a big step up and it’s a good program…...